If you are looking for your psoriasis treatment products, Aloe Vera is the answer. Conventional medicine lists no specific cure for Psoriasis, studies by scientist Bill Coats, author of The Silent Healer: A Modern Study of Aloe Vera, have demonstrated that Aloe Vera juice, when drunk daily, can help to not only control but even cure this particular condition.
A publication from the European Academy of Dermatology in 1995 declared that one of Aloe Vera’s properties was to inhibit psoric squama, which worked in arresting the condition. A double-blind placebo-controlled study was conducted to evaluate the topical applications of Aloe Vera in treating psoriasis. The study involved sixty individuals with slight to moderate plaque-type psoriasis who were split into two groups; one received the placebo and the other the active medication with a 0.5 percent Aloe Vera extract. The patients administered the medication themselves at home, three times a day for five consecutive days in the week, for a maximum of four weeks. Patients were examined on a weekly basis during the treatment phase of the study, with follow up occurring every month for twelve months after the treatment.
At the end of the study, Aloe Vera was found to have cured twenty-five of the thirty patients who used the active medication, and the treatment itself was not found to have any toxic side effects. The recommended treatment for psoriasis through Aloe Vera involves both topical and internal use.
Curaloe Body Gel or Facial Gel needs to be applied to the affected areas twice a day, in the morning and at night. A moisturizing cream, the Curaloe All Purpose Cream, should also be used because Aloe Vera’s astringent action can also dry the skin.
In addition, 30 ml of Curaloe Immune System Support Juice should be consumed once a day before breakfast.